Thought for November 7


  • 1800: Law makes it illegal for women to wear pants in Paris without police permit
  • 1805: Lewis and Clark first sight the Pacific Ocean. 
  • 1811: Battle of Tippecanoe--William Henry Harrison
  • 1874: First cartoon depicting elephant as Republican Party symbol
  • 1876: Meharry Medical College formed
  • 1916: Jeannette Rankin elected to Congress--first woman
  • 1931: Mao Zedong proclaims Chinese People's Republic
  • 1944: FDR elected to 4th term as President
  • 1962: Nixon says "you won't have me to kick around anymore" after losing Gubernatorial election
  • 1972: Joe Biden elected Senator for the first time
  • 2000: Bush-Gore Presidential election is inconclusive--litigation follows
  • 2007: 9 die in Jokela school shooting in Finland
  • 2020: Kamala Harris is first woman elected Vice President
  • Born: Marie Curie, Leon Trotsky, Albert Camus, Billy Graham, Al Hirt, Joan Sutherland [opera], Jean Shrimpton [first supermodel], Joni Mitchell, David Petraeus, Calvin Borel [jockey and multiple Kentucky Derby wins], Marcus Luttrell [Navy Seal portrayed in "Lone survivor"], Lorde, 
  • Died: Butch Cassidy, Eleanor Roosevelt, Steve McQueen, Will Durant [historian], Joe Frazier, Norm Crosby
Take a look this morning at 2 Chronicles 6:40-7:3. Solomon has completed the Temple according to the directions of God. Chapter 6 is Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the Temple. But today the part I have marked in my Bible is the passage at the end of chapter 6 and beginning of chapter 7. As I read these verses, I am called to pray a similar prayer to the last petitions Solomon makes here:
  • Lord hear my prayer and see my living sacrifice. [6:40] Solomon asks God to pay attention to him and his prayer. Now, we know that an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God knows and sees everything. So why does Solomon make this request? I think Solomon is asking God to pay special attention because what Solomon is praying is important to Solomon and reflects Solomon's heart. We all have had those moments---this is no ordinary prayer. This is a special prayer and Lord please hear my heart and watch me now. 
  • Let the priests be clothed with salvation [6:41] In Psalm 132:9, we have this same prayer being translated "clothed with righteousness." Salvation means deliverance, security, safety. So the prayer is that the priests of the Lord would be clothed not just in white robes, but clothed in the righteousness of Christ and covered  and delivered by His salvation. And that is my prayer---Lord, clothe me in Your righteousness for I have none of my own. Wrap me in Your salvation, cover me with the blood that makes me holy and white as snow. For we are His priests in the world today.
  • Let me rejoice in that which is good [6:41] Sounds like Philippians 4:8--whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good repute, excellent, praise worthy--let your mind dwell on these things. And if I totally devote my thoughts to these things--no impure, unholy, false, dishonorable, ugly, poor thought will enter my mind.
  • Do not turn away the face of Thine Anointed--Two pictures come to me here. First, Solomon says do not turn away my face, remove me from Your presence. For Solomon was appointed by God as ruler and builder. So Solomon says remember Your covenant with my father, David. But I also see a prayer that the face of the Anointed One, Jesus, not turn away from me and my prayer. 
At the end of Solomon's prayer, the Shekinah glory fills the Temple so fully that no one can stay in the Temple. WOW! What a glorious event. I pray and God sends His Shekinah glory to fill me and flow through me. Lord, help me walk so closely with You that Your glory is evident in me. 

And our only response is in 7:3--we bow down, we worship, and we praise. Why? He is good and His lovingkindness is forever. Amen.



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