Thought for November 5


  • 1605: Guy Fawkes attempts to kill King James
  • 1639: First post office in the colonies [Massachusetts]
  • 1917: Supreme Court strikes down Louisville KY law requiring whites and blacks to live in different areas
  • 1935: Parker Brothers releases "Monopoly"
  • 1953: "How to Marry a Millionaire" released
  • 1955: The date Marty McFly returns to in "Back to the Future"
  • 1956: The Nat King Cole show debuts--first variety program hosted by a black
  • 1959: AFL announced with 8 teams
  • 1979: Ayatollah Khomeini calls US "The Great Satan"
  • 1996: Derek Jeter is AL Rookie of the Year
  • 2009: Major Hasan kills 13 and wounds 43 at Fort Hood TX
  • 2017: Gunman kills 26 and wounds 20 at church in Sunderland TX
  • 2021: Aaron Rogers admits he is unvaccinated
  • Born: Will Durant [historian], Roy Rogers, Vivien Leigh, Ike Turner, Elke Sommer, Art Garfunkel, Sam Shepard, Peter Noone [Herman's Hermits], Bill Walton, Bryan Adams, Tatum O'Neal, Sam Rockwell, Jerry Stackhouse, Bubba Watson, Odell Beckham Jr.
  • Died: George M Cohan, Johnny Horton [Battle of New Orleans], Mack Sennett [Keystone Cops], Ward Bond [Wagon Train], Guy Lombardo, Al Capp [Li'l Abner], Barry Sadler [Ballad of the Green Berets], Vladimir Horowitz [pianist], Fred McMurray, Jimmie Davis [wrote "You are My Sunshine"], Bobby Hatfield [Righteous Brothers], Jill Clayburgh, 
One more story about Hezekiah is found in Isaiah 38. After the Assyrians are sent back to Nineveh, Hezekiah became mortally ill. God sent Isaiah to tell the king to get his house in order [38:1]. Some of us have had friends and relatives who have received this word from a doctor--you need to get your affairs in order because you are going to die. This has always raised a couple of questions for me:
  • First, we are all going to die. So do I have my house in order now! I always think I'm going to live this week, or until next year, or until certain things happen. But I am not promised my next breath. So do I have my house in order now. There are some things I should make sure are always ready for the day I am called home--
    • Salvation. Yes, I am saved. But have I shared Christ with as many as possible so they have salvation too. 
    • Forgiveness--Have I dealt with broken relationships, unforgiven wrongs. Scripture tells us if we are praying or giving our offering and recall we have something against someone or they have something against us, we should go and try and make that right.
    • Thanksgiving--Have I said thank you to everyone I need to thank--for friendship, fellowship, sacrifice, encouragement, example. I mean to do it someday--but today may be someday.
    • Love--have I told people I love them in the Lord. Have I missed an opportunity to say I love you to someone.
    • I'm proud of you--Have I told my children and grandchildren I am proud of them. Have I given them the blessing that all children seek from their parents. Or maybe that young person that I taught in Sunday School or led on some team or ministry--I can see how God is using you and I am proud of all you have become. 
  • Second, If I got that message today, what would I want to put in order. Who would be on that list? What things would I want to be sure I got to? 
Thinking about these things helps me set my priorities for today. Look at what Hezekiah did. He wanted to make sure the Lord remembered all he had done for Hezekiah had been a good king, one who sought the Lord and led according to the Lord's guidance. And he wept. Wonder what Hezekiah was weeping about? He was going home to the Lord. Maybe unfinished business. For the Lord saw the tears and gave him 15 more years to serve as king. 

I do not understand God's ways and His plans. I do not understand why some live to 100 and others die as infants. But I trust the Lord for He is good. I trust His timing for me and for everyone. I trust His plan, even when I don't understand it. My job is to have may affairs in order every day--when He calls me to service here, I am ready. when He calls me home, I am ready. The Boy Scouts got one thing right--Be Prepared and for us, help as many others be prepared as possible.


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