Thought for November 25


  • 1792: Benjamin Banneker publishes first Farmer's Almanac
  • 1841: 35 survivors of mutiny on the Amistad return to Africa
  • 1885: Canada establishes its first national park--Rocky Mountains Park--now Banff NP
  • 1920: First Thanksgiving Parade--Philadelphia
  • 1940: Woody Woodpecker premiers
  • 1947: First systematic blacklist of entertainment professionals alleged to be communist
  • 1949: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer appears on the music charts
  • 1973: US reduces maximum speed to 55 mph for fuel conservation
  • 1979: First Madden/Summerall broadcast
  • 1990: Lech Walesa wins first popular election in Poland
  • Born: Andrew Carnegie, Karl Benz, Carrie Nation, Pope John XXIII, Joe DiMaggio, Ricardo Montalban, Joe Gibbs, Percy Sledge, Jeffrey Skilling [Enron], John F Kennedy Jr., Amy Grant, Barbara and Jenna Bush, 
  • Died: Isaac Watts [hymn writer], Kennesaw Mountain Landis, Bill Robinson [Mr. Bojangles], Upton Sinclair, Flip Wilson, Fidel Castro, 
I have a lot of underlines words in Psalm 19. Read 19:7-14 with me and notice what it says about the law of the Lord. 

The law of the Lord is:
  • Perfect. It cannot be improved upon, corrected, or changed. Maybe this is the truth we all need to grasp. God said it--that's it. We do not get to amend it, accept only part of it, ignore it. It is perfect. That means it is complete and sufficient.
  • Restoring. Sin damages, injures, and hardens our souls. But the word of God restores--it brings us back to His reality, His truth. It restores our concepts of right and wrong, good and bad, ugly and beautiful.
  • Sure. Firm and fixed. Solid. Reliable. It does not fluctuate or change. 
  • Gives wisdom and makes wise. WOW! What makes me wise--not intellect, education, information--God's word makes me wise because it tells me His heart.
  • Right. The word is never wrong. It is always right. So if your think the word is wrong--where is the error?
  • Pure. There is no hint of error. No chance of mistake. It is designed to help us be pure and holy before God. 
  • True.  Never false. Satan is the father of lies. God always tells us the truth and presents the Truth.
  • Valuable. More valuable that money, position, power. Why? In the word we find the Truth, the Right way, the way to know God and restore our relationship with Him.
  • Sweet. They have a taste that becomes sweeter with time, as you savor and understand. Reminds me of the song, "There's within my heart a melody, Jesus whispers sweet and low." Or perhaps "O how sweet to trust in Jesus." 
  • Warning. The word provides the caution signs of life. My car has sensors that start beeping when I get close to an object and automatic braking that stops the car is I do not put on the brake. That's the Word---warns us about temptations, offers a way of escape, and puts the halt on us if we will only pay attention.
  • Rewarding. There is a great reward in the present because our fellowship with Jesus is preserved and enhanced. There is the reward of joy and peace. And there is the ultimate reward of eternity with Christ.
So we pray with David--let the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be acceptable--consistent with God's word, obedient to His commands, pleasing to Him in every way. 



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