Thought for November 23
- 1863: Battle of Chattanooga
- 1889: First jukebox
- 1897: "Jerry Coupler" invented--connects train cars
- 1921: Willis Campbell Act prohibits doctors from prescribing beer or liquor
- 1923: First version of "The Ten commandments" premiers
- 1936: First issue of Life Magazine published
- 1945: Wartime rationing of foods ends
- 1963: "Doctor Who" premiers
- 1989: "Bounty Bowl"--Dallas coach Jimmy Johnson accuses Eagles coach Buddy Ryan of placing bounties on players
- 2004: World of Warcraft video game released-world's most subscribed game
- 2020: AstraZeneca is third company to release effective Covid vaccine.
- 2021: NASA launches DART mission to hit asteroid
- Born: Franklin Pierce, Josiah Whitney [geologist, Mt. Whitney], Billy the Kidd, Boris Karloff, Harpo Marx, Hal Lindsey, Bill Brock, Chuck Schumer, Robin Roberts, Dan Snyder [Commanders], Miley Cyrus,
- Died: Elbridge Gerry ["gerrymander"], Walter Reed, Merle Oberon, Roald Dahl, Roy Acuff, Larry Hagman,
Looking at another bracketed passage in Psalm 16 this morning. Yesterday we were singing His praises in our mouths and in our lives. Take a look 16:7-11 [my brackets are on 10-11].
- I bless the Lord because He counsels me. How wonderful that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit as our constant counselor and guide. When I was practicing law, some lawyers had "attorney and counselor at law" written on their cards or letterhead. I learned that while I might provide counsel to my clients, some did not accept my counsel. Why? It wasn't what they wanted to hear; they did not want to do what the counsel required; they had a better idea. I know how the Lord must feel when you give good counsel and it is ignored. We can and should bless the Lord at all times because His counsel through the word and the Holy Spirit are always right, always for our good, always for His glory. Lord, help us heed Your counsel.
- I set the Lord continually before me. No, I cannot place the Lord where I want Him. Here, I am saying that I place myself before the Lord--I am His follower, servant so I place Him in front of me--I try to walk in His footsteps. I also place Him before me in priority--dying to self and allowing Him to live in me.
- Because He is with me, I will not be shaken. No fear in life or death. He is the firm foundation. He is the solid rock. And I sing, How firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord is laid for your faith in His excellent word."
- Because God is my counselor, because I walk after Him, and because He is with me, I am glad and rejoice.
- Now a Messianic word--He will not abandon His Holy One--a reference to Jesus. Though crucified, He will not face decay in the tomb for He was raised in glory. And that word applies to us if we are in Christ. God will not abandon us to the grave---He will raise us by the same power that raised Jesus--new bodies---and the path to life eternal [16:11]. At the end of the path to life is His presence where our joy will be made full and complete forever. What a great promise---physical death is only a transition to the place where our joy is full in His presence for ever.
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