Thought for November 17
- 1800: Congress meets in Washington for the 1st time
- 1855: David Livingstone sees Victoria Falls [1st European]
- 1863: Battle of Knoxville begins [ends in December]
- 1869: First bicycle race
- 1869: Suez Canal opens
- 1873: Buda and Pest united
- 1913: First US dental hygienist course begins
- 1928: Boston Garden opens
- 1933: "Duck Soup" opens [Marx Brothers]
- 1940: Green Bay Packers are first NFL team to travel by plane
- 1968: Heidi Game [Raiders and Jets]
- 1970: Patent for computer mouse issued
- 1973: Nixon--"I'm not a crook"
- 1991: First TV condom ad
- Born: Vespasian, Bernard Montgomery, Soichiro Honda [founded Honda], Archie Campbell, Rock Hudson, Bob Mathias, Martin Scorsese, Danny DeVito, Lorne Michaels, Tom Seaver, Elvin Hayes, John Boehner,
- Died: Bloody Mary, Auguste Rodin, Esther Rolle [Good Times], Weeb Ewbank, Billy Vessels [Heisman, HOF], Bo Schembechler,
Reading the first chapter of Job this morning. What an amazing story.
- Job: Job was blameless, upright, fearing God, turning away from evil. [1:1] What a guy! Job's story begins with this description. Makes me wonder and contemplate what words would be used to begin my story--certainly not these. Job was living right before God. He was spiritually blameless. But he was also blessed--a large family, wealth, position, true greatness [1:2-3]. And his family got along well [1:4]. Job had it made. Bringing the story forward to today--a righteous man, living in awe of God, blessed financially, paternally, and with a great reputation.
- The question: "Have you [Satan] considered My servant Job?" [1:8] And before Satan can answer, God provides a testimony about Job. Makes me wonder what God would say about me and my life. If God were to ask Satan who roams about the earth seeking who he may devour about Larry. what would Satan answer? --- would Satan say, I hate that guy or would Satan say, I really like him.
- Satan's response--Job fears You only because You have blessed him, protected him, prospered him. This makes me think about why I fear God, worship God, serve God---is my devotion directly tied to His blessings so that if He stops giving me what I want, I'll turn away? Or do I understand that when God sent Jesus He gave me all the blessing I ever needed or will need. All the rest is extra.
- Notice--Satan tells God to take away Job's blessings [1:11]. God does not bring evil on His children. He may permit Satan to test and tempt. [1:12] So Satan begins to take away all those things that are dear to Job.
- Job's response--None of this is really mine---everything belongs to the Lord---the Lord has chosen to let me steward some of His things so the Lord has the right to take back His possessions. [1:21] I wish I had that attitude--everything is the Lord's---family, wealth, possessions, position. He provided it, He owns it. Who am I to complain about what He does with those things He owns. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Now here is the part I cannot master in my own life--through all this, Job
- Did not sin. What sins did Job avoid---envy for those who still had family and wealth; jealousy, covetousness, anger.
- Did not blame God. I am always looking to assign blame for everything that does not go to suit me [and I know it was not my fault]. Why did God do this; why did God allow this; when will God do something about this.
What does this chapter tell me?
- Live a life worthy of the Gospel because God is watching and so is the world.
- Understand Satan's plan--use circumstances to cause me to question God's plan, God's purpose, God's power, God's love. Create fear and doubt.
- Praise God in every thing for He alone is worthy of praise.
- Endure with patience without complaint or grumbling.
- God will ultimately make all things new and all things right--press on.
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