Thought for November 15


  • 1492: Columbus makes first recorded reference to tobacco
  • 1533: Pizarro arrives in Cuzco
  • 1763: Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon begin survey between Maryland and Pennsylvania
  • 1777: Articles of Confederation approved by Continental Congress
  • 1837: Isaac Pitman introduces Pitman shorthand
  • 1864: Sherman leaves Atlanta on the March to the Sea
  • 1904: King Gillette patents Gillette razor blade
  • 1935: "A Night at the Opera" released--Marx Brothers
  • 1939: Cornerstone of Jefferson Memorial laid
  • 1956: "Love Me Tender" premiers starring Elvis
  • 1959: Clutter Family killed by Dick Hickock and Perry Smith--In Cold Blood
  • 1969: First Wendy's opens in Columbus Ohio
  • 2005: Carrie Underwood releases her debut album
  • Born: William Herschel [Uranus], Felix Frankfurter, Georgia O'Keeffe, Erwin Rommel, Curtis Le May, Joseph Wapner [People's Court], Howard Baker, Ed Asner, Petula Clark, Beverly D'Angelo, Lorena Ochoa, 
  • Died: Justinian [civil law code], Johannes Kepler [planetary motion], Henry Sienkiewicz [Quo Vadis], Oswald Chambers, Lionel Barrymore, Tyrone Power, Margaret Mead, Alger Hiss, Stokely Carmichael, Adrian Rogers, Roy Clark, 
Back to Nehemiah 8 this morning. Yesterday, the Book of the Law had been read for hours and the people responded with reverence, praise, humility, worship, and weeping. Then in 8:9-10, Ezra says do not mourn, go celebrate for the joy of the Lord is your strength. 

Some of you have heard me say before that when I read that verse I feel that it communicates a truth---when I live in a way that gives joy to the Lord, I get stronger. It makes me think about why parents or spouses or grandparents do many of the things we do---we work hard, we sacrifice, we do things we do not want to do because those things allow us to please our spouses, children and grandchildren and seeing their joy gives us strength to continue. I think about the single mom with two jobs and work at home--why does she do this--because a smile or a laugh from the child she loves gives her energy and strength to carry on. So when I do or avoid something that gives joy to Jesus, I get strength to keep on keeping on motivated, inspired, encouraged and strengthened by His smile, His well done, His glory. 

Here in Nehemiah, I think Ezra is saying you have heard from the reading of the word about God's faithfulness--creation, the flood, Egypt, the wilderness. God's past faithfulness should give you strength for tomorrow; God received joy when His people repented and followed and He responded with miracles--that should give you strength. Look over at chapter 9 where the history is recited. 

So today, think about how you can give Jesus joy--what can I do to make Him have joy? That is my motivation when I do things for Jan, Mark, Maria, Julianne or Thomas. I do things that bring them joy because I love them and thinking about how much joy they will get, I gain strength to endure, to work, to persevere. The same is true of our relationship with the Lord---knowing what will bring Him joy strengthens us to live lives of obedience and as we do we gain strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Reminds me of that great hymn--Great is Thy Faithfulness. In the third verse, the writer says: "Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide, Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside" Strength for today flows from His faithfulness, pardon, peace, presence, guidance and hope. 

Today gain strength by giving Him joy.


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