Thought for October 18


  • 1009: Church of Holy Sepulchre destroyed
  • 1648: First labor organization in North America forms--Boston Shoemakers
  • 1767: Mason-Dixon line agreed upon
  • 1776: "Cocktail" coined--a glass of those cock tails order in bar decorated with feathers
  • 1867: US takes possession of Alaska
  • 1910: "Howards End" published
  • 1922: BBC founded
  • 1924: Notre Dame Backfield called the "Four Horsemen"
  • 1954: Texas Instruments announces transistor radio
  • 1961: "West Side Story" released
  • 1962: Watson and Crick win Nobel for determining the structure of DNA
  • 1967: Disney releases "Jungle Book"
  • 1968: Bob Beamon jumps 29 feet 2.5 inches in Mexico City
  • 1977: Reggie Jackson hits 3 consecutive home runs in World Series
  • 2009: Tom Brady throws 5 touchdown passes in second quarter against the Titans
  • Born: Matthew Henry [commentary], Charles Scribner [publisher], Pierre Trudeau, Jesse Helms, Chuck Berry, George C Scott, Keith Jackson, Chuck Swindoll, Inger Stevens, Peter Boyle, Dawn Wells [Gilligan's Island], Lee Harvey Oswald, Mike Ditka, Huell Howser, Martina Navratilova, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Wynton Marsalis, Lindsey Vonn, Brittany Griner
  • Died: Charles Babbage [computer], Thomas Edison, Charles Strite [invented automatic pop up toaster], Sebastian Kresge [Kresge's and KMart], Bess Truman, Nancy Dickerson [1st female news correspondent], Julie London, Bum Phillips, Colin Powell
Contemplating Proverbs 10 this morning. Not sure why. But reading these proverbs of Solomon are certainly a reminder of some important truths. Notice with me what this chapter says about righteousness and the righteous person. Of course there are corresponding points about the unrighteous and wicked, but I am focused on the righteous.
  • Righteousness rescues from death [10:2]. And I do not have any righteousness of my own. He who knew no sin became sin that I might become the righteousness of God. Accepting Jesus and following Him transfers us from death to life--abundant and eternal.
  • The righteous will not go hungry [10:3] My body may crave food, but my soul is fed with the Bread of Life and the Living Water. 
  • The righteous are crowned with blessings [10:6] Think about the ancient picture of the father placing his hands on his son's head and transferring the blessing of the father to the child. In Christ, God the Father has placed His hands on you and transferred His blessings to you--love, joy, peace, life.
  • The righteous will be remember as a blessing [10:7] We know this is true. We remember the saints of the past, their example, their teaching, their faith. Challenges me to live a life worth remembering.
  • The righteous live in security [10:9, 25] Our safety has been guaranteed by the seal of the Holy Spirit. Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ. Victory has been won. Not by might and not by power but by His Spirit says the Lord of hosts.
  • The mouth of the righteous pour out life and produces wisdom [10:11, 31] What a challenge for my speech today. Does what I say pour out life and share wisdom? Or do I just babble. 
  • The reward of the righteous is life [10:16] Rescued from death, we now know what life really is. 
  • The tongue of the righteous is pure silver [10:20] We often call people silver tongued orators. Here what the Lord has in mind is does our speech reflect purity of heart. You may have heard me say--let a man hit his thumb with a hammer on a cold day and the first words from his mouth reveals his heart.
  • What the righteous desire will be given to them [10:24] The righteous get what they desire because they desire that which is righteous. Seek first His kingdom and then all the things are added. He changes our desires to match His and that is the secret to asking rightly.
  • The hope of the righteous is joy [10:28] Here, the word "hope" is not wish, but guarantee. They righteous are guaranteed joy in every situation and every circumstance.
  • The righteous will never be shaken [10:30] Think about it--knowing you have been transferred from death to life, knowing you are eternally secure, knowing that in Christ you are blessed of God---do not fear, do not doubt, rejoice with thanksgiving!


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