Thought for October 14


  • 1066: Battle of Hastings
  • 1322: Robert the Bruce defeats Edward II giving Scotland independence
  • 1834: Henry Blair is first Black to receive a patent in US--corn planter
  • 1892: Arthur Conan Doyle publishes The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • 1926: Winnie the Pooh by AA Milne released
  • 1939: BMI founded
  • 1947: Chuck Yeager makes first supersonic flight
  • 1962: U-2 planes discover missle sites in Cuba
  • 1964: Martin Luther King win Nobel Peace Prize
  • 1976: Milton Friedman wins Nobel in Economics
  • 1979: Gretzky scores his first NHL goal
  • 1980: Reagan promises to name a woman to the Supreme Court
  • Born: William Penn, Dwight D Eisenhower, EE Cummings [poet], C Everett Koop, Roger Moore, John Dean, Ralph Lauren, Beth Daniel [LPGA], Stephen A Smith [sportscaster], Frank Wycheck, Natalie Maines [Dixie Chicks], Usher, 
  • Died: Erwin Rommel, Errol Flynn, Bing Crosby, Leonard Bernstein, Harold Robbins, Freddy Fender, Arlen Specter, 
Yesterday I wrote about Elijah being refreshed and renewed by the Bread and Water of God. Look at the very next verse this morning, 1 Kings 19:9. Elijah has traveled 40 days and nights to Mt. Horeb, the mountain of God. He settles in a cave. Then the Lord speaks, "What are you doing here Elijah." I underlined that in my Bible. Have  you ever thought about that question--what are you doing here? Maybe that is a good question fo us today.

We may find ourselves in a geographic place-- a city, an office, a church building, a bar, a hotel room, when the Lord asks that question, "what are you doing here." Sometimes that question is a warning--you do not belong here, this is a place of temptation. Sometimes the question causes us to focus on the why? Why am I here? What is God's purpose in placing me here? Am I doing what He wants me to do here?

We may find ourselves in a relationship---a job, a marriage, a club, a "friendship"--- and God asks, "what are you doing here? Is this the right job and are you working here for My glory? What are you doing in your marriage--are you honoring God? Are these really "friends" or are they leading you into bad habits, or perhaps are they lost--are you the witness they need to see. What are you doing here?

Maybe its a time of life when God asks, "what are you doing here?" Have you retired from life? Do you think you are too old for God to use you? Do you think you've paid your dues and now you can rest? Or is it time to move from success to significance? Maybe there is something new God has for you to do. 

I confess that this is a question God has asked me many times in most of these situations. It is a question I have tried to ask myself. It helps me figure out His purpose, understand His plan, direct my energy and passion. Maybe you should ask that question today--what am I doing here? Lord, help us all hear and know Your mission for today in our lives. 



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