Thought for September 7


  • 70: Titus plunders Jerusalem
  • 1774: Jacob Duche opens the First Continental Congress in prayer.
  • 1813: "Uncle Sam" first used to refer to the US [Troy Post of NY]
  • 1876: Northfield Minnesota Raid [Younger Brothers arrested]
  • 1888: First use of baby incubator
  • 1902: Australia observes day of humiliation and prayer during drought--rain begins on the 10th
  • 1921: First Miss America Pageant
  • 1936: Boulder/Hoover Dam begins operation
  • 1940: Germany bombs London for the 1st of 57 consecutive nights--The Blitz
  • 1963: Pro Football Hall of Fame officially opened
  • 1986: Dan Marino throws his 100th TD pass--fastest to achieve that number
  • 1996: Tupac Shakur shot--dies 6 days later
  • 2021: US Covid cases exceed 40 million
  • Born: Elizabeth I, Heinrich Stolzel [developed 1st valve for brass instrument], Grandma Moses, Paul Brown [coach, NFL owner], David Packard [Hewlett-Packard], James Van Allen [Van Allen radiation belts], Arthur Ferrante [Ferrante & Teicher], Louise Suggs [LPGA], Peter Lawford, Laura Ashley, Al McGuire [coach], John Paul Getty, Buddy Holly, Gloria Gaynor, Peggy Noonan, Rudy Galindo [figure skater], 
  • Died: Everett Dirksen, Ken Boyer [MLB], James Clavell [writer], Don Haskins [Texas El Paso coach], Dorothy McGuire [McGuire sisters], 
A portion of the prayer by Jacob Duche in 1774 reads:
O Lord our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of kings and Lord or lords, who dost from Thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth and reignest with power supreme and uncontrolled over all the Kingdoms, Empires and Governments, look dow in mercy, we beseech Thee, on these our American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on Thee.

This is a prayer for today--that we, individually and as a nation, would desire to be dependent on God alone--thus worship God alone and obey God alone. 

Still in Leviticus this morning. I have marked the heading to chapter 26. In my Bible it reads, "Blessings of Obedience." I placed a circle around 26:3 that promises, "If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments so as to carry them out, then." 
  • God will give rain in season so the fields produce and the trees bear fruit [26:4]
  • The season for harvesting grain will last until the season for gathering grapes, which will last until planting time. WOW! You will have prosperity in every season. [26:5]
  • You will have peace and no one will make you fear. [26:6] Think about that. No external fears to threaten you and inner peace and calm. [26:6]
  • You enemies will flee before you and you will defeat them. [26:7] More that conquerors in Christ.
  • You will be fruitful and multiply [26:9]. God will turn His face toward you. you will rest in His favor. 
  • God will dwell with you and walk with you [26:11-12]. For us, He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us, lead and guide us, help and comfort us, teach and remind us. 
Just sitting here reflecting on the world and my life. If the rains come at the wrong time or in the wrong amounts, could it be disobedience? If the economy is shaken, inconsistent, uncertain, could it be a failure to live the commandments? If there is war, strife, conflict, could it be my walk? If my enemies are chasing me and I feel defeated and overwhelmed, could it be my failure to obey? If there
is no fruit--no new Christians or no love, joy, peace, patience--who is to blame? 

Maybe reading 26:14-46 answers these questions. Notice what God promises if His people disobey--
  • Pestilence, terror and consumption [26:16, 25], plagues [26:21]. Maybe virus and disease.
  • Those who hate us will rule over us [26:17]
  • We will live in fear and terror, running away when no one is chasing us. [26:17, 36] We will listen to rumors and ignore truth.
  • The sky will be iron and the ground bronze--wildfires, drought. [26:19]
  • There will be famine and things will be rationed. [26:26]
  • Cities will lie waste and sanctuaries will be empty. Urban blight, communities fail, cities and states are bankrupt, and churches are empty. [26:31-33]
Every year on the National Day of Prayer, we recite 2 Chronicles 7:14 and yet things seem to get worse every year. Perhaps the solution is simple--obey God's commands and walk in His way. Lord, help Your people to act like Your people for America will be a Christian nation when its people act like Christians.



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