Thought for September 27


  • 1066: Normans set sail to conquer England
  • 1825: 1st steam locomotive to carry passengers on public rail line
  • 1864: Jesse James gang attacks train-
  • 1892: Book matches patented
  • 1905: E=MC squared introduced in article by Einstein
  • 1908: First Model T
  • 1912: WC Handy published "Memphis Blues" [considered 1st blues song]
  • 1945: MacArthur meets Hirohito for the first time
  • 1954:The Tonight Show premiers
  • 1962: Rachel Carson publishes "Silent Spring"
  • 1985: Hurricane Gloria hits East Coast
  • 1988: Greg Louganis  wins Olympic Gold in 10 meter platform
  • Born: Samuel Adams, Hiram Revels [1st Black Senator], Greg Morris [Mission Impossible], Kathy Whitworth [LPGA], Meat Loaf, Mike Schmidt, Steve Kerr, Gwyneth Paltrow, Simona Halep
  • Died: Edgar Degas, Aimee Semple McPherson [Pentecostal], Babe Didrikson Zaharias, Clara Bow, Jimmy Doolittle, George Blanda, Hugh Hefner, St. Vincent de Paul [founded the Daughters of Charity]
Still pondering 1 Samuel 8 this morning. The people have asked Samuel for a king. God has said that this is a rejection of Him as king and now tries to tell the people why they do not want another king. In my translation, the word "take" is used 6 times in verses 11-17. Notice what God says an earthly king will take from you and think about what our heavenly Father gives to us. A king will take--
  • Your sons. You sons will serve the king in his army and work and labor to serve the kings pleasure.
  • Your daughters. The king will use your daughters in his service and for his pleasure.
  • The best of your assets, fields, vineyards and groves. The king will confiscate and tax your assets to support his kingdom and will end up giving your best to his other servants.
  • A tenth of your seed and vineyards--he will take your produce and resources and give to his officers and servants.
  • Your male and female servants and the best of your workers and use them for his purposes.
  • A tenth of your livestock.
And then notice in 8:17--you will become his servant. You want a king? He will take and take and take. Now think about King Jesus:

  • God so loved that He GAVE His only son.
  • God adopts you as son and daughter--not servant or slave.
  • God gives life and the ability to make wealth.
  • God gives every good and perfect gift.
  • God gives joy, peace, love abundantly.
  • God gives everything we need for life., abundant life
Why would people swap a King that gives for a king that takes. We see it today. When we make power or pleasure or fame or money our king, they end up taking everything from us. When we make God and Jesus our king, He gives abundantly. Why would we ever have any king but Jesus?



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