Thought for September 26
- 1580: Sir Francis Drake completes circumnavigation of the globe
- 1789: Thomas Jefferson appointed 1st Secretary of State and John Jay 1st Chief Justice
- 1892: First public appearance of the John Philip Sousa Marine Band
- 1934: RMS Queen Mary launched
- 1949: Groundbreaking for Hollywood sign
- 1960: First Nixon/Kennedy debate
- 1962: Beverly Hillbillies premiers
- 1964: Gilligan's Island debuts
- 1969: Beatles release Abbey Road album
- 1969: Brady Bunch premiers
- 1973: Concorde makes its fist non-stop crossing of the Atlantic [3 hours 33 minutes]
- 2010: Downton Abbey premiers in UK
- 2020: Amy Coney Barrett nominated to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- 2021: Switzerland votes to legalize same-sex marriage
- Born: Francis of Assisi, Ivan Pavlov, Edmund Gwenn [Miracle on 34th Street], T.S. Eliot, Martin Heidegger, George Gershwin, Bill France Sr. [founded NASCAR], Jack LaLanne, Donna Douglas, Winnie Mandela, Olivia Newton-John, Linda Hamilton, Jim Caviezel, Beto O'Rouke, Serena Williams,
- Died: Daniel Boone, Levi Strauss, Bessie Smith, Bela Bartok, William Strunk [Elements of Style], Byron Nelson, Tokyo Rose, Paul Newman, Frederick William Faber ["Faith of Our Fathers"]
Have you ever felt rejected? Guys, we have tried out for a team and been cut--rejection. Or perhaps tried out for a part in the play and someone else was selected---rejection. Or maybe you have written an article or book and tried to get it published, but no one liked it---rejection. Or maybe you thought you have found the "right" person to share life with, then they refused your invitation for a date---rejection. I am reading 1 Samuel 8 this morning and reading some terrifying words.
Samuel had been serving as judge over Israel. In his later years, he appointed his sons to be judges, but they "did not walk in the ways of Samuel" and were dishonest, taking brides and perverting justice. The people recognized the evil in these sons and asked Samuel to appoint a king over Israel. So Samuel prays and God speaks--"they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them."
Here is what I hear as I read these verses:
- Notice that Samuel appointed his sons as judges. I do not read that Samuel prayed about who should serve as judge or that He waited for God to name a new judge. Samuel decided for himself who should judge. How often do I make this same mistake. I choose someone to take over a position in business or in the church because I think they will be good at the job, or perhaps they have "earned" a chance or maybe they are simply my friend or someone who has been loyal to me. I do not wait on the Lord and do not consult Him. In my law practice, many times clients would come to talk about succession planning for their businesses. They would pick a child or a loyal long-time worker or someone they really liked to succeed them in leadership---many times these were simply bad decisions and the business suffered. When will we learn to ask the Lord for His plan.
- When the people came to complain about his sons, Samuel could have made another mistake and denied the truth about his sons. He could have taken the position that he had the right to name the next judge. I wonder why he now decided to pray. Maybe Samuel saw the truth about his sons. I am sure he was disappointed. This time he prayed. I hope I am like Samuel, willing to acknowledge that I erred and willing to come to God for forgiveness and a new direction.
- I imagine Samuel was disappointed, feeling rejected by his people. I think this because God's first words are words of comfort to Samuel--the people are not rejecting you--they are rejecting Me.
- Lastly, I see these haunting words--the people have rejected ME as king. I wonder how often God has said that about me--Larry has rejected ME as king over him in his actions, thoughts, decisions, attitude, words. Larry has chosen someone or something else as king of his life and rejected the Lordship of the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Today, Lord I want You and You alone to be King in my life. I reject every thing that would challenge Your Kingship. For You alone are worthy.
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