Thought for September 24


  • 1742: Faneuil Hall opens in Boston
  • 1789: Congress establishes Post Office Department
  • 1789: Judiciary Act creates 6 person Supreme Court
  • 1950: Operation Magic Carpet brings 45,000 Yemeni Jews to Israel
  • 1952: First KFC opens
  • 1957: Jailhouse Rock released
  • 1960 First nuclear powered aircraft carrier launched--Enterprise
  • 1964: Munsters premiers
  • 1968: 60 Minutes premiers
  • 2007: The Big Bang Theory premiers
  • 2019: Nancy Pelosi announces impeachment inquiry targeting Donald Trump
  • Born: John Marshall, Lottie Dod [athlete], Tommy Armour [golf], F Scott Fitzgerald, Ayatollah Khomeini, Jim McKay [Wide World of Sport], Jim Henson, Linda McCartney, Lou Dobbs, Mean Joe Green, Nia Vardalos, Eddie George, 
  • Died: John Sevier, Patrick Gilmore [When Johnny Comes Marching home Again], Dr. Seuss, Leon Hart [Heisman], 
Tomorrow is the anniversary of the death of Luther Rice who began as a missionary to India and later became the chief fundraiser for international missions in Asia for the Baptist. He was a founder of Columbian College which became George Washington University. 

Looking at 1 Samuel 7:3 this morning. The Philistines were a constant threat to Israel. Samson had fought with them. Now, the Philistines had taken the ark. Their idol Dagon had fallen in the presence of the ark and his hands had been cut off. The Philistines were struck with tumors, so they sent the ark back to Israel. This leads us to 7:3. Notice what Samuel says to the people--
  • IF
    • You return to the Lord with all your heart. Stop you half-hearted, lukewarm worship. God has not moved, it is you who have drifted and turned your back on Him. 
    • You remove the foreign gods. Put away the idols. Ever think about your list of things I cannot live without. I often hear us saying, I could never live without ______________. Well, yes we could. We could live without air conditioning, football, television, internet. I know because much of the world does. We can live without phones, Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook. We can live without entertainers and athletes. Scripture tells us that there is only one thing we cannot live without--Jesus. 
    • You direct your hearts and service to God alone. We cannot be lukewarm and we cannot serve two masters. God demands and requires first place in everything--time, talents, worship, obedience, service. 
  • THEN--He will deliver you from the Philistines. Well, the Philistines are not attacking us today, but we are under attack. Want deliverance---return to the Lord. Want victory--return to the Lord. Want peace and joy---return to the Lord. But notice, the return must be with the whole heart. Total commitment. 


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