Thought for September 22


  • 1692: Last Salem witchcraft hangings--8 are hanged
  • 1761: George III crowned King of England
  • 1862: Lincoln threatens to free slaves if South does not rejoin the Union by January 1, 1863
  • 1915: First class at Southern Methodist University
  • 1920: Grand jury convenes in Black Sox scandal
  • 1957: "Maverick" premiers
  • 1975: Sara Jane Moore tries to assassinate President Ford
  • 1976: Charlie's Angels premiers
  • 1981: Sandra Day O'Connor appointed to Supreme Court
  • 1993: Nolan Ryan pitches in last game at age 46
  • 1994: "Friends" debuts
  • 1997: Elton John releases "Candle in the Wind"
  • 1999: "West Wing" premiers
  • 2020: America's Covid death toll exceeds 200,000
  • Born: Anne of Cleves, Michael Faraday, Charlotte Cooper [1st female Olympic champion], John Houseman [Paper Chase], Ellen Church [1st female airline stewardess], Rocky Lane [Voice of Mr Ed], Tommy Lasorda, Lute Olson, Debby Boone, Joan Jett, Andrea Bocelli, Neil Cavuto, 
  • Died: Guru Nank [founded Sikhism], Francisco Coronado [explorer], Nathan Hale, Shaka [founder of Zulu nation], Dan Rowan, Irving Berlin, Edward Shackleton, George C Scott, Isaac Stern, Marcel Marceau, Eddie Fisher, Yogi Berra, Charlotte Elliott [wrote "Just as I Am"]
On this day in 1620, 102 Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower read the scripture for that day. They were in day 17 of a 66 day voyage. They spent most of their time in a space 25 x15 feet with a ceiling height of 5 feet. Beset with cockroaches and rats, pounded by the sea, wet, cold. But then they opened the Bible on that day and knew God was with them for the passage was Psalm 107. As they read 107:23-31, they thought God was speaking directly to them--the waves are tall, we stagger like drunk men, we are at wit's end, then we cry out to the Lord--He brings them out of distress, calms the sea, and guides them to a safe place. I spoke to the church from this Psalm back in July. Perhaps today if the waves are high, the winds are fierce, your world is reeling and you are at wit's end, you can take refuge in this Psalm and cry out to the Lord--He hears, He answers, He calms with a peace that passes understanding and He will guide you home. 


There is a movie, "The 300," about the Spartans at Marathon. But the real story of the 300 is in Judges 7-8. Recall that Gideon has been hailed as mighty warrior by the angel of God. He has asked for a sign from God and God has responded [6:17] He has torn down the altar of baal and built an altar to the Lord. This caused the Amalekites and Midianites to raise an army of over 120,000 to fight Gideon. When Gideon calls the Israelites to the battle, 32,000 respond, but 22,000 quickly leave when Gideon tells everybody who is afraid to leave. Then notice what the Lord says--10,000 is too many to fight 120,000. Why? The 10,000 might think they were responsible for the victory. Have you ever wondered why we seem to be outnumbered by the forces of darkness? If we could defeat them in our own strength, we would respond with pride--look at what we did. But when the numbers against us are overwhelming, then we know that victory is the Lord's. 

So Gideon conducts a test and selects 300 who lap the water from their hands. Now, check out the odds---120,000+ against 300 and the Lord. That sounds about right.  Recall the quote attributed to Dwight L Moody--The world has yet to see what God will do with a man fully consecrated to Him. Here in Judges we see God doing exactly that. 

So what does that say to you for today. If I am fully committed to God and He is with me, who can stand against me. Read Romans 8:31-39, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Notice:
  • Who can be against us? [8:31]--Nobody because in Christ God has given us everything we need for victory.
  • Who can bring a charge against us? [8:33] Nobody, because Christ is our intercessor and the judge. 
  • Who can separate us from the love of God in Christ? Nobody and nothing. [8:35-39] We always are grateful that death cannot separate us from the love of Christ--but aren't you glad that the things in this life cannot separate you--illness, suffering, pain, sorrow, circumstances, losses, defeats. 
  • Because nobody and nothing can be successful against us, condemn us, or separate us from God's love in Christ, we are more than conquerors [8:37]. Now that is good news.


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