Thought for September 21
- 1776: Nathan Hale arrested for spying
- 1795: First lodge of the Orangemen organized in Ireland--Protestant fraternity.
- 1823: Moroni first appears to Joseph Smith
- 1895: First automobile producer founded by Duryea brothers, to years after Frank drives the first gas propelled vehicle.
- 1897: NY Sun publishes yes there is a Santa Claus editorial
- 1922: President Harding signs joint resolution approving establishment of Jewish homeland in Palestine
- 1928: "My Weekly Reader" debuts
- 1937: The Hobbit is published
- 1955: In his last fight, Rocky Marciano KO's Archie Moore
- 1957: Perry Mason premiers
- 1968: "Adam 12" debuts
- 1970: Monday Night Football premiers
- 2021: McDonalds announces goal to drastically reduce plastic in Happy Meals by 2025
- Born: Louis Joliet [explorer], Francis Hopkinson [designed 1st American flag], HG Wells, Larry Hagman, Henry Gibson [Laugh In], Dickey Lee [my friend and great singer/songwriter], Fannie Flagg, Stephen King, Bill Murray, Shinzo Abe [Japan], Faith Hill, Ricki Lake,
- Died: Virgil, Walter Scott [Ivanhoe], Chief Joseph [Nez Perces], Jacqueline Susann, Walter Brennan, Rex Humbard,
The Book of Judges was always popular with the teenage boys I taught in Sunday School years ago. It reads like an action movie. In this cycle, Israel deserts the Lord and He permits oppressors to come. The people cry out to the Lord and He sends a judge to free them from the oppression. As long as the judge is around, they do fine. But when the judge dies, the people resort to their baal worship. We read about Othniel [3:9-11]. Then Ehud, who fashioned a small sword and secretly carried it into the presence of Eglon the oppressing king, stabs Eglon and the people turn to God. The boys giggled when they read 3:22 about the sword disappearing into the fat of Eglon's belly and the "dirt" coming out. Next we read of Sisera the oppressor who is nailed to the floor of a tent with a tent peg [4:21]. Then we get to Gideon, one of my favorite Old Testament characters.Take a look at 6:11-16.
- God sees you as who you can be in Him. There is a famine caused by the oppression of the Midianites. Gideon is in the hole of the wine press beating out wheat, hidden so the Midianites could not see him. The angel of the Lord comes and greets Gideon saying--" The Lord is with you valiant warrior." What a picture. Gideon hiding in fear of the enemy, but the angel greets him as a mighty warrior. Think about that. Gideon is doing a simple task, hiding, afraid. But what does God see--a leader, a warrior, a man who can restore the kingdom. Aren't you glad that even when God sees us as we are, He has a vision of what we can be when totally committed to Him. He can take the one in hiding and give him power to defeat the mighty enemy.
- Gideon has excuses. Gideon sounds like me.
- It's God's fault. [6:13] Gideon blames God and accuses God of abandoning His people. Why has this happened? Where are those miracles I heard about? You brought us here and then abandoned us. Sound familiar? Why is this happening to me? Where are my miracles? God, have you forgotten me?
- I come from an insignificant family. I don't have the background, the education, the training, the prestige or position. When God calls and I make excuses I am questioning the wisdom, power and plan of God.
- I am the youngest man. I am inexperienced.
- But Gideon missed the most important thing--God was sending him [6:14] and God would go with him [6:16]. I need to remember that. I get focused on the task, the problems, the enemy---none of that matters if God has called because if He sends me, He provides everything I need to accomplish the task. And more importantly, He doesn't just send me--He goes before me and with me.
Think about that story. There is a need in this world--people need to hear about Christ--people need love, grace, mercy, joy, peace. But I am afraid, hesitant, reluctant. The enemy is so strong and seems to be winning. And look at me--I don't know enough scripture [but the Holy Spirit who is in me wrote the Bible]; I'm not trained [but the Lord promised to tell me what to say]; I am too young or too old [but the Lord can use anyone who is willing]. And God says--go in My Name, go in My strength, go in My wisdom, go in my authority and I will be with you. Now what's my excuse?
Lord, help me be willing to go anywhere You send.
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