Thought for September 19


  • 1849: First commercial laundry--Oakland CA
  • 1863: Battle of Chickamauga begins
  • 1876: First carpet sweeper patented by Melville Bissell
  • 1934: Bruno Hauptmann arrested for kidnapping the Lindbergh baby
  • 1941: German Jews forced to wear yellow star of David
  • 1947: Jackie Robinson named Rookie of the Year
  • 1952: Adventures of Superman with George Reeves premiers in US
  • 1960: The Twist by Chubby Checker hits #1
  • 1970: Mary Tyler Moore Show premiers
  • 1988: Greg Louganis hits head on diving board at Seoul Olympics
  • 1990: Goodfellas premiers
  • 1994: "ER" premiers
  • 2004: Jerry Rice's string of 274 games with a reception ends
  • Born: Leon Jaworski [Watergate prosecutor], Lewis Powell, Ferry Porsche, William Golding [Lord of the Flies], Duke Snider, Lurleen Wallace, Adam West, David McCallum [Man from UNCLE], Al Oerter [Olympic Gold in discus in 4 straight Olympic games], Bill Medley [Righteous Brothers], Mama Cass Elliot, Joe Morgan, Jeremy Irons, Twiggy, Joan Lunden, Trisha Yearwood, Jimmy Fallon, 
  • Died: James Garfield, Red Foley, Orville Redenbacher, Skeeter Davis, Jackie Collins, Jake LaMotta
Focused this morning on Joshua's farewell address found in Joshua 23. What if you were saying farewell to friends for the last time, or to your family, or to your church. What would you say? Some thoughts from this address by Joshua:
  • Remember what the Lord has done [23:3]: Joshua reminds the people that they have seen their Lord work mighty miraculous deeds--preserving, providing and leading in the wilderness, parting the Jordan, collapsing the walls of Jericho, victories over all the kings listed in chapter 12. His purpose is to teach that while Israel has enjoyed victories, it is God who has been fighting for them. So what miracles would you ask your family and friends to remember as a reminder that every good thing and every victory comes from God. 
  • Be alert for what God will do [23:5]. In our farewell speech we want to not only remind of God's past acts of faithfulness, but to assure them of His future faithfulness. God has promised and He will always keep His promises.  While I am saying farewell, God remains with you and is faithful. 
  • Be diligent to keep and do all that God has commanded [23:6]. Part of my farewell address is a pleading with my family and friends to walk in His way--know His commandments and keep them. 
  • Separate yourselves from the ways of the world [23:7]. Joshua urges the people to separate themselves from the pagans around them--do not mention their gods, bow down to their gods, serve or swear to them. Think a moment about the gods of this world--riches, fame, position, power, pleasure. We caution our family and friends to not make those gods their God. And notice--do not bow your will, you allegiance, your service to any of those pagan gods. Don't swear  by them--here I think Joshua would say do not rely on them [fleeting of riches and fame], don't use them for your security or safety, don't trust them for your future. 
  • Love God and cling to Him [23:8, 11]. One of the two great commandments. It is not enough to avoid the gods of this world and to try and keep all the rules. Love God and cling to Him. I understand this means to walk close to Him, don't allow the gods of this world to lead you away from Him. We cannot be just neutral, we have to affirmatively love and serve God. 
Have you thought about what you might say if you knew you were having your last conversation with a friend or a family member. Joshua 23 provides food for thought.



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