Thought for August 23
- 1784: Settlers in East Tennessee declare an independent state--Franklin. Continental Congress rejects it the following year
- 1796: African Methodist Episcopal Church incorporated
- 1850: First National Women's Rights Convention
- 1946: The Big Sleep premiers
- 1948: World Council of Churches founded
- 1952: Kitty Wells is first woman to reach #1 on Billboard Country charts
- 1996: Osama bin Laden declares war on Americans
- 2005: Katrina forms over the Bahamas
- 2007 Hashtag invented and first used in a Tweet
- Born: Arnold Toynbee [historian], Edgar Lee Masters [Spoon River Anthology], Gene Kelly, Vera Miles, Barbara Eden, Daniel Ruettiger [Rudy at Notre Dame], River Phoenix, Kobe Bryant,
- Died: William Wallace, Rudolph Valentino, Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti [executed], Eugene Schueller [founded L'Oreal], Oscar Hammerstein, Shamu [the original], Hoyt Wilhelm, Bobby Bonds, Russell Carter [Standing on the Promises]
Reading Genesis 6 today as I look at some verses that I know well but need to reflect on again. Here we have the story of Noah. Have you thought about the contrast expressed in this chapter of the Bible?
- The conditions: Wickedness was great [6:5]. All of man's thoughts were evil continually [6:5]. God was sorry He had made man and grieved [6:6]. The earth was corrupt [6:11-12]. The earth was filled with violence [6:11, 13]. And not just man but all flesh was corrupt [6:12]. Does this sound familiar? As we look around our world today, what do we see--corruption, evil, wickedness, violence. Where is the love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness and self-control? Then I wonder, what must a Holy God think? How much does God grieve because of what He sees and hears? Am I responsible for some of God's grieving? Has He looked at my heart and grieved?
- The verdict. God will blot out everything--man, animals, birds [6:7]. God is about to destroy the earth [6:13]. Reminds me that a day will come that we call the Day of the Lord. We used to sing that old hymn, "The trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more." We live in the same place that Noah lived--and God will ultimately do what He did then except with fire and not water.
- The contrast. The world is corrupt and wicked, but Noah found favor with God [6:8]. WOW! Think about that. Sometimes we feel like we are the only ones trying to serve the Lord. Satan tells us we are alone. But Noah and his family were really alone--the only people living in God's favor. Why? Noah was righteous and blameless and walked with God [6:9]. Righteous--a right relationship with God. Blameless--nothing in His life to criticize or find fault with. Walking with God--going as God guided, walking in God's light, following God's footsteps. O how we pray to be like Noah in the midst of a corrupt and violent world---Lord help us walk with You, talk with You, serve You.
- Salvation. And just like with Noah, God provides a way of salvation from the coming wrath. For Noah it was an ark, for us it is Jesus. Wonder why God had Noah live in a corrupt and violent world for 100 years to build an ark preparing for a flood in a time when it had never rained. I think it was God' love, patience, mercy and grace. Would anyone see Noah, see the ark being constructed and cry out to God in repentance? God gave the people 100 years to repent. We ask why doesn't Jesus come now? His love and grace and mercy, hoping that some will repent and turn to Him before the Day of the Lord. The question to me is does the world see me building an ark with my life? Are there things I am doing that attract people to Christ? We are part of His plan to fill up the ark. Lord, help me be a faithful arrow pointing men and women to You.
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