Thought for August 13


  • 1587: Manteo is the first Native American baptized as a Protestant. 
  • 1907: First taxis in NYC
  • 1913: Stainless steel invented
  • 1914: Greyhound Bus line begins
  • 1935: First roller derby
  • 1942: Manhattan Project begins
  • 1956: Elvis releases "Don't Be Cruel"
  • 1961: Construction of Berlin Wall begins
  • 1967: Bonnie and Clyde released
  • 2004: Hurricane Charley hits Florida
  • 2016: Michael Phelps ends his career with 23rd gold medal
  • Born: Annie Oakley, Giovanni Agnelli [Fiat], Alfred Hitchcock, Ben Hogan, Rex Humbard, Fidel Castro, Don Ho [Tiny Bubbles], Tony Cloninger [Braves pitcher who hit two grand slams in one game], Janet Yellen, Kathleen Battle, Dan Fogelberg, Betsy King, David Feherty, John Slattery, 
  • Died: Ira Sankey [Gospel Hymns including the tune for Faith is the Victory, song director for Dwight Moody], Florence Nightingale, HG Wells, WO Bentley [Bentley Motors], JW Marriott, Mickey Mantle, Julia Child, Phil Rizzuto, Les Paul, Edwin Newman, Helen Gurley Brown, Nanci Griffith,  Elizabeth Prentiss [wrote More Love to Thee O Christ]
Today, I am looking at Matthew 6:25-34 as Jesus addresses the second warning--don't be anxious. This warning flows directly from the end of the preceding topic of what are your treasures. In 6: 24, Jesus tells us we cannot serve two masters. When we try and serve both Jesus and the flesh, we become anxious. James tells us that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. We are torn between faith and doubt. We struggle with whether to trust Jesus or to make sure we take care of our selves. 
  • Warning: Do not be anxious about your life, your food, your drink or your clothes.
    • Anxious. Here I don't think Jesus is saying be reckless or thoughtless because scripture teaches us to work and provide for ourselves and our families. We are instructed to share and give to others as they have needs. Here I think Jesus is saying don't fret, don't panic, don't go to pieces. Don't be consumed by worry. 
      • When we worry we question God's faithfulness, His provision, His sufficiency, His love and power. 
      • Take a look at Psalm 37: Don't fret because of evildoers that prosper. When we see non-believers or those that cheat, lie and steal prosper, we may question why do they get ahead. We may be tempted to compromise our character. We may complain to God.
      • Or read Psalm 73--don't envy the arrogant and prosperous and wealthy. Sometimes our anxiety is really envy, anger, doubt. 
      • Most anxiety comes from comparison and pride. I am embarrassed about my house, my car, my clothes, my education, my job. What will others think. do they look down at me or make fun of me? Remember that comparison is the enemy of contentment. When we start comparing what we have or do not have with others, we become discontent, leading to jealousy, envy, anger, and ultimately to worry, anxiety and perhaps choices that are out of God's plan. 
      • Read the parable of the sower today--notice that the seed sown among the thorns is the man who hears the word and the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word. Matthew 13:22.
    • Why? Worry and anxiety do not solve your problems or meet your needs. You cannot make yourself taller or add a day to your life. 
  • Truth: Look at God's blessings and provision. God knows what you need. Consider how He provides for His creation and you are more loved that the birds, the lilies. 
  • Choice: Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Seeking is active, it requires discipline and effort. Seeking doesn't just happen--we read the Word, we pray, we obey even when we do not understand. We seek first--when doubt and fear arise, when we do not understand why--we go to him first. I have said before that I love the song "Bend the Knee"--when I don't understand the moving of His hand, in the presence of the King bow the knee." And seeking is something I do first in time, first in priority and first in importance. Philippians 4:6 urges us to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your requests to God--and the peace of God that passes all comprehension will guard your hearts and minds in Christ.
  • Seven arguments against worry:
    • God gave you life [at birth and at rebirth], He will take care of you. 
    • Birds work but do not worry--be like the birds
    • It's pointless to worry because most things you worry about you cannot control--Serenity Prayer.
    • Flowers last a day, but God makes them glorious--use today for His glory.
    • Pagans worry--we are different
    • Focus on God and you cannot worry--Isaiah 26:3--He keeps in perfect peace those that trust in Him.
    • One day at a time [6:34]. Seize today with Jesus and for Jesus--no worries.


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