Thought for July 6


  • 1189: Richard the Lionheart crowned King of England
  • 1415: Jan Hus burned at the stake, reformer who influenced Luther
  • 1699: Pirate William Kidd captured in Boston 
  • 1886: First malted milk offered to the public
  • 1933: First MLB All-Star game
  • 1942: Anne Frank's family goes into hiding
  • 1964: Beatles' Hard Day's Night premiers
  • 1994: Forest Gump released
  • Born: Harry Ford Sinclair [Sinclair Oil], Marc Chagall [artist], Frida Kahlo, Sebastian Cabot [Mr French on Family Affair], Nancy Reagan, Bill Haley [rock & roll], Merv Griffin, Janet Leigh, Pat Paulsen, Della Reese, Ned Beatty, George W Bush, Sylvester Stallone, Kevin Hart, Zion Williamson
  • Died: Sir Thomas More, John Marshall [Supreme Court], George Ohm [Ohm's Law], William Faulkner, Louis Armstrong, Buddy Ebsen, Robert McNamara, Charlie Daniels
As noted above, on this day in 1415 Jan Hus was burned at the stake as a heretic. After reading Wyclif's writings and seeing the differences between the conduct of the Pope and those of Jesus, Hus joined the growing revolt against Rome. He placed paintings on the walls of the church and city in Bohemia [Prague] where he preached. The paintings depicted Jesus walking barefoot beside the Pope riding in royal trappings; Jesus washing feet, while the Pope had people kiss his feet. He challenged the indulgences being offered by the Pope to finance the war against Naples. The Pope issued an interdiction against Prague causing Hus to leave the city. The Pope then invited Hus to attend the Council of Constance. When Hus arrived, he was arrested and placed in an inquisition for 8 months. When he refused to recant his views, he was burned. One of his last letters is a powerful testimony:
Give me a fearless heart, a right faith, a firm hope, a perfect love, that for Thy sake I may lay down my life with patience and joy. Amen

What a prayer for today!

Now, I am back to the woman at the well in John 4. Jesus offered the woman living water. Look at her response in 4:11-12.

  • Sir, you have nothing to draw with. The woman is confused. She thinks Jesus is talking about physical water just like Nicodemus thought Jesus was talking about physical rebirth. But I see something else. Like Larry, the woman doubts the ability and power of the Lord. He tells me His grace is sufficient, but then I question whether it can really meet my need. He says He forgives my sin, but then I listen to Satan who says my sin is too great for Him to forgive. He says in His strength I can love those that persecute me, but then I doubt His power and grace. Sometimes I put limits on what God can do by lacking either faith or understanding. Lord, help me know that You can do everything you have promised.
  • You can't get water from this well because you don't have anything to draw with, so where do you get this living water? If you looked around Jacob's well, you would not see much. No lakes, no rivers, just desert. So Jesus says, don't look around for this water, I can create a fountain within you that will flow with living water. Here is something for me to learn---stop looking around for strength, satisfaction, in earthly pursuits--allow Jesus to create a new fountain of love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness and self-control within you that it will flow through you and overflow around you. 
The woman is still confused. Sounds good and I won't have to walk a half mile to get it. Now notice, Jesus does not correct her, but asks her to get her husband. This leads to her recognizing that Jesus may be a prophet [4:19], but she wants to change the subject---Jewish prophets say you must worship is Jerusalem. But the Jews would not let Samaritans in the Temple. So Jesus looks up to Mt. Gerizim where the Samaritan temple had stood and says where you worship is not a geographical issue but a spiritual issue. You must worship in spirit and in truth. This hits home. Sometimes I think I can only worship in a sanctuary, not a gym; in a church building, not in a barn; with hymns of the 20th century, not praise tunes; with organ and piano, not with guitars and drums. I get confused about my worship and more concerned with the where and how than with the heart and attitude. 

When Jesus talks about this future day when people will worship in Spirit and truth, the women says she knows that will happen when Messiah comes. Notice, Jesus has just told her about her 5 husbands and the man she is living with. She responds that Messiah will "tell us all things." Jesus had just done that and says--I am the Messiah. Now this is one of the few times that Jesus openly says, I am the Messiah. And He said it to a Samaritan woman who was living in open sin. WOW!I guess what Jesus said to the Pharisees is correct--He came to redeem sinners not the righteous. 

Today, pray Jan Hus' prayer, believe that Jesus can meet every need and keeps every promise, seek the joy and peace that comes from that internal fountain, worship where you are---He is the Messiah.



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