Thought for July 25


  • 1567: Caracas Venezuela founded
  • 1729: North Carolina becomes a royal colony
  • 1814: George Stephenson introduces the first steam locomotive
  • 1832: First railroad accident in the U.S. --Quincy MA
  • 1861: Crittenden Resolution--War is fought to preserve the Union, not alter slavery
  • 1868: Wyoming Territory formed 
  • 1897: Jack London sails to join the Klondike Gold Rush
  • 1909: First airplane flight across the English Channel
  • 1918: First female district attorney--Annette Adams in California
  • 1940: Longest solo swim of all time--292 miles in the Mississippi by John Sigmund
  • 1944: First jet fighter used in combat--Messerschmitt
  • 1946: First show by Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin
  • 1956: Collision of Andrea Doria and Stockholm Sweden kills 46
  • 1969: Ted Kennedy pleads guilty to leaving the scene of an accident
  • 1983: Metallica releases debut album
  • 1993: Sleepless in Seattle released
  • 2000: Concorde crashes in Paris killing 109
  • 2021: US Olympic Basketball team loses to France ending 25 game winning streak
  • Born: Davidson Black [identified "Peking Man"], Walter Brennan, Estelle Getty [Golden Girls], Nate Thurmond, Roy Acuff, Walter Payton, Iman, Matt LeBlanc, Bryce Young Alabama QB]
  • Died: Samuel Taylor Coleridge [Rime of the ancient Mariner], Charlie Rich, Ben Hogan, Randy Pausch [Last Lecture], Olivia de Havilland, Lou Henson, John Saxon, Walter Rauschenbusch [father of the Social Gospel]

Reading another story about Jesus and the Sabbath today. In Matthew 12:9-14, Mark 3:1-6, and Luke 6:6-11, we have Jesus healing a man with a withered hand. We do not know what caused the withered hand or how long the man had suffered with it, although some apocryphal writings say that the man was a stone mason and asked Jesus to heal him so he would not be a beggar. 

The Pharisees are present in the synagogue, so Mark says Jesus asks if it is lawful to do good or harm on the Sabbath. They do not respond. Matthew has the Pharisees asking if it is lawful to heal on the Sabbath. Jesus answers that it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath. Then in order to make His point, Jesus heals the man with the withered hand. Consider the response of the Pharisees---filled with rage and counseling to destroy Jesus. And notice, they were joining forces with the Herodians. These two groups never agreed on anything. The Pharisees were looking for a Messiah to rid them of Herod and the Romans. The Herodians were supporters of Herod and his reign. How could they join to oppose Jesus? Jesus was not the Messiah that the Pharisees wanted or expected and He claimed to be a king contrary to Herod as king. We may see something similar today:
  • Some within the church oppose the teachings of Jesus because He does not teach what they want to hear---homosexual conduct is a sin for example. Some claiming to be followers of Christ want to recreate His teachings to be consistent with "modern" thinking. Jesus is all love and grace and no holiness or  judgment. 
  • Some within the government claim to be followers of Jesus, but they really support a king other than Jesus. The government would like to tell you what is morally right and wrong--equality of outcome and not equality of opportunity. 
Now notice Jesus' reaction when He "knew their thoughts." Jesus was angry because they were hardening their hearts. This struck me today---how does Jesus react when He knows my thoughts? Does He smile? Does He cry? Does He get angry? Lord, forgive me when I want you to bless my thoughts rather than conforming my thoughts to Yours. Forgive me when I place another king on the throne of my life--most often me. Teach me again that it is always lawful in Your sight to do good. Increase my love for You and for others. 



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