Thought for July 16


  • 1054: Beginning of Great Schism between the Roman Church and the Eastern Churches
  • 1099: Crusaders force Jews into a synagogue in Jerusalem and set it afire
  • 1429" Joan of Arc enters Rheims
  • 1519: Martin Luther denies the divine right of the Pope during a debate with Johann Eck
  • 1769: Mission San Diego founded
  • 1801: Washington DC declared permanent capital of the US
  • 1935: First automatic parking meter in US--Oklahoma City
  • 1941: Joe DiMaggio hits in 56th straight game
  • 1945: First detonation of atomic bomb
  • 1951: Catcher in the Rye published
  • 1957: John Glenn orbits earth
  • 1969: Apollo 11 launched
  • 1999: JFK Jr. dies in plane crash
  • 2004: Martha Stewart sentenced to 5 months in prison
  • Born: Mary Baker Eddy [Christian Science], Roald Amundsen [South Pole], Bela Schick [Schick Test], Shoeless Joe Jackson [Black Sox], Barbara Stanwyck, Orville Redenbacher, Ginger Rogers, Margaret Smith Court [Tennis], Jimmy Johnson, Michael Flatley [Riverdance], Will Ferrell, Barry Sanders, Adam Scott, 
  • Died: Ann of Cleves [4th wife of Henry VIII], Mary Todd Lincoln, Ellen G White [co-founder of Seventh Day Adventist], Harry Chapin, Gorgeous George [wrestler], Kitty Wells, Nate Thurmond, John Paul Stevens [Supreme Court], 
On July 16, 1914, Asa Candler wrote the "million-dollar letter" to his brother, Warren, a Methodist minister. In the letter, Candler offered a million dollars to start a Methodist school in Atlanta because Vanderbilt had strayed from its evangelical roots and no longer wanted church oversight. Candler thought "education without a strong Christian influence would lead to a population of educated elite with no moral foundation." How true! Candler's gift started Emory University. We know him as the founder of Coca Cola.

Completing a look at the story of the paralytic lowered by his friends into the presence of Jesus [Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26]. Jesus saw the faith of the men and said "your sins are forgiven." Now at this point, the paralytic and the friends may have been confused--we came to get him healed. But Jesus always has a purpose in His actions. So look at how He uses this occasion for His glory.
  • The scribes and Pharisees were thinking--that's blasphemy, for only God can forgive sin. Maybe they were also thinking, what kind of claim is this? There is no way Jesus can prove that this man's sins are forgiven--there is no way to prove that.
  • Jesus knows their thoughts. Now that is a scary verse! At the end of today, reflect back--what if Jesus knew every thought that came to my mind today? Well, He does. Lord forgive my wayward thoughts--my impatient thoughts, my lustful thoughts, my envious thoughts, my hateful thoughts. 
  • Why are you thinking evil in your hearts? Maybe that's what Jesus is saying to me today. Why would you think that. Why would you let that thought stay in your mind. Recently I have heard people say, you didn't do this or that or say this or that because you did not want to offend anyone--you must be woke. well, I don't know what woke means, but I wonder why that person would reach that conclusion. Why would you think that of me? Jesus asks, why are you thinking that I am blaspheming? Why would you accuse me of that evil? 
  • So rather than debate, Jesus asks a question--easier to say your sins are forgiven or say arise and walk? Notice--Jesus says I am doing this healing so you will know I have power to forgive sins. All of Jesus' miracles were to evidence that He is God, that He has power that only God possesses. 
  • Arise, take up your bed and go home. What a change--from carried on the bed to carrying the bed. From being brought from home to walking home. Now the people were amazed and rejoiced. The faith of the men was rewarded--but the real story is that Jesus has the power to forgive sin. Aren't you glad!


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