Thought fo July 22


  • 1796: Cleveland founded [originally Cleaveland, but shortened because too long to fit on a newspaper headline]
  • 1933: Wiley Post completes first round the world solo flight
  • 1934: John Dillinger shot in Chicago
  •  1942: 300,000 Warsaw Jews sent to Treblinka Extermination Camp
  • 1945: Youth for Christ founded at Winona Lake IN
  • 1991: Jeffrey Dahmer confesses to killing 17 men
  • 2021: Delta variant becomes dominant
  • Born: Emma Lazarus [New Colossus on Statue of Liberty base], Rose Kennedy, Alexander Calder, Amy Vanderbilt [Etiquette], Dan Rowan [Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In], Bob Dole, Orson Bean, Sonny Liston, Oscar de la Renta, Louise Fletcher, Alex Trebek, Danny Glover, Albert Brooks, Don Henley, Willem Dafoe, Keyshawn Johnson, Ezekiel Elliott, 
  • Died: John Dillinger, Carl Sandburg, Estelle Getty [Golden Girls], 
Continuing to read John 5 today. Jesus has said that if you want life you will believe what He says. In 5:30-39 Jesus tells the Jews that there are multiple witnesses that attest to who He is and what he says:
  • 5:31--Jesus says that if He is the only witness to the truth of His teaching, people can say its not true. But He has many other witnesses that confirm who He is and what He says. Recall that Jewish law required two witnesses to prove any fact, so here Jesus says I can provide more than the required two witnesses.
  • 5:33-35--John the Baptist was a person bringing the light, leading you to repent of your sins. But I am the true light. Go back and read John 1 this morning. John was a witness of the light, but not the light. Jesus is the true light. The light that brings life. [1:4] Think about Genesis--before God said let there be light, there was darkness and formlessness. Then God said let there be light and order came out of chaos. Just like in our lives--when Jesus brings His light, the darkness flees and wandering becomes purpose and aimlessness becomes direction. 
  • 5:36--Many believed the preaching of John the Baptist and came for baptism for the remission of sin. But John only preached. Jesus has preached the same message of repentance but He has performed great miracles that only God can do. His authority and power are evidence that He is from God and that He is God. 
  • 5:37-38--But not just the mighty works of God, but Jesus has received the very blessing of God--at baptism, God spoke, "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." So you do not have to rely on the claims of Jesus, or the witness of John, or the miracles, but on the voice of God Himself.
  • 5:39--And if you were not present to hear God's voice, read the very scripture you claim to believe. From the first verses of the Old Testament the scripture speaks of Jesus. Read Psalms 22-24, study the prophet Isaiah, consider the prophesies of Daniel. 
What does this say to me today---Jesus commands us to be His witnesses. The best witness for the Savior is a transformed life. Lord, help me today to live as a truthful witness to Your love, mercy and grace. 



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