Thought for June 27


  • 1864: Battle of Kennesaw Mountain
  • 1922: First Newberry Medal for Children's Literature
  • 1923: First aerial refueling of an airplane
  • 1929: Bell Labs demonstrates first color TV
  • 1950: President Truman orders Navy and Air Force into Korean conflict.
  • 1950: US sends 35 military advisors to South Viet Nam
  • 1955: First automobile seat belt law--Illinois
  • 1967: World's first ATM--Enfield, London
  • 1977: Supreme Court allows lawyers to advertise
  • 2019: Supreme Court rules the census cannot ask about citizenship
  • Born: Hellen Keller, Ross Perot, Tobey Maguire, Bob Keeshan [Captain Kangaroo], Vera Wang, 
  • Died: Joesph Smith [LDS], Lottie Dod [5 times Wimbledon champ and silver medal in Olympic archery], Jack Lemon, Shelby Foote [historian, Civil War]
This morning I am looking at the first of seven signs that John describes in his Gospel [1:19-12:50]. Of course Jesus performed many miraculous signs to confirm His claims that He was God incarnate. These seven are a very small sampling and in fact, John tells us that if all the things Jesus did were written in detail, the world could not contain all the books that were written. [21:25] John also tells us that he chose the specific miracles and teachings from Jesus under the influence of the Holy Spirit so that we would believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing we would have life in His name. [21:31]
Have you ever wondered about all the miracles Jesus must have performed? We often read that the multitudes came to Jesus and he healed them. Have you ever thought about that scene? Some of you have been on medical mission trips and seen the people walk from distant locations and stand in line waiting to see a doctor or nurse. Can you imagine the line that formed when people heard the Healer, the Miracle Worker was in town. Well when you think about it that hasn't changed. This morning people by the millions are lifting prayers to God for help, for healing, for comfort, for strength. Aren't you glad you don't have to wait in line or walk a long way to call out to Jesus--the Great Physician is as close as your breath. 

Well, more about that later this week. Today I'm looking at the first miracle at Cana in Galilee [John 2:1-11]. Read these 11 verses and notice:
  • The place: If you thought Nazareth was a small town, think about Cana. It could be seen from Nazareth, less than 4 miles away. The Messiah chooses Cana, a no where place, to perform His first miracle. That's good news for us. Jesus comes to the lowest person in the smallest places and performs miracles. Aren't you glad you don't have to be somebody or know somebody for Jesus to perform a miracle in your life! And it is at a party--amazing, awesome. One of these days, those in Christ will be guests at the wedding party of the Lamb---how appropriate that His first miracle is at a wedding party. I am also glad that our Lord loved to be around people. He loved to celebrate. He loves to hear people laugh and see them smile. 
  • The purpose of the miracle. Jesus didn't just do miracles for show, for attention, or for entertainment. Take a look at 2:11. Jesus did this miracle to manifest His glory and help His disciples believe. Think about it. When God performs a miracle in your life His purpose is His glory and our faith. He wants to get glory when we praise Him for His amazing grace and gifts of love. And He wants His miracles to increase our faith and trust in Him. 
  • The problem: Jesus does big miracles to address our little problems. What was the problem--no wine. Mary was concerned or perhaps embarrassed. A Coptic Gospel tells us that this was the wedding of one of Mary's sisters children and perhaps that Mary was in charge of the event. I don't know if that's true, but for whatever reason, Mary was concerned. But she knew where to turn. Do you wonder how many times before Mary had gone to her oldest son with a problem? Same here--when there is a problem, turn to Jesus.
  • Jesus answers with abundance--we have run out of wine so Jesus provides a lot. Some say each pot was 20-30 gallons. This tells us that Jesus does not skimp on His blessings---exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think. 
  • Jesus answers with the best--the wine taster wondered why the best was served last. Now here I see that Jesus blesses us abundantly now, but He is saving the best for last. One day, the blessings of this life will seem insignificant compared to the blessings when we see Him face to face. 
Today, know that no matter where you are, no matter the problem, Jesus invites you to come to Him. And then live today in anticipation of the wedding party to come--you have been invited. 


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