- 1856: First Republican Convention
- 1863: Traveler’s Insurance founded
- 1894: First polio epidemic — Rutland VT
- 1947: Pan Am chartered
- 1950: First kidney transplant
- 1956: Jerry Falwell founds Thomas Road Baptist Church
- 1962: Jack Nicklaus wins first major—US Open
- 1963: Supreme Court rules against Bible reading/prayer in public schools
- 1994: The Great Ford Bronco Chase—OJ Simpson
- 2008: First day for same-sex marriage in California
- 2015: 9 people shot at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston
- Born: Igor Stravinsky, Ralph Bellamy, Crazy Legs Hirsch, Newt Gingrich, Barry Manilow, Greg Kinnear, Dan Jansen [won Gold in 3 Olympics], Venus Williams
- Died: Kate Smith [God Bless America], Rodney King, Gloria Vanderbilt
The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought on June 17, 1775. Abigail Adams and her son, John Quincy Adams, watched the battle from Penn Hill, in Braintree across the harbor. After the battle she returned home and wrote to John Adams who was in Philadelphia. In the letter she quoted scripture, “This race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but the God of Israel is He that giveth strength and power to the people. Trust in Him at all times, ye people, pour out your hearts before Him; God is a refuge for us.” [Ecclesiastes 9:11 and Psalm 62:8]
Seems strange to be reading the Christmas story this morning [Luke 2]. Reading this again reminds me of the simplicity of God’s plan—simple yet miraculous. The birth of the King of Kings is recorded in 2 verses—the days were completed and she gave birth. Think about all the reports and pictures the media gave to the birth of William and Harry in England. Anxious waiting for the announcement, photographers waiting for the first picture. But God’s Son was born in a small town without fanfare or attention. This should not surprise us. God chose a crazy man to build a boat in the desert before there was rain. God chose David—had to call him in from the field where he was shepherding the flock of his father. God chose Gideon who was hiding to be His warrior.
Then rather than announce the birth in the Jerusalem Times or on Palestine TV, let’s go tell some shepherds out in the fields. A shepherd for the shepherds has been born. What a picture—the shepherds were not high society, executives, leaders—they had no appearance that would make you seek them or like them. They had the job of caring for the smelly, blind and defenseless sheep. Who better for the great Shepherd to be first introduced to. Now look at their reaction—an angel, God’s glory—great fear. I am always awestruck when I behold the glory of God—what you haven’t seen His glory lately? Look around—His creation declares His glory; a baby’s face displays His glory; a loving touch or a kind word demonstrates His glory; a parent’s sacrifice for their children reflects God’s glory; people united in praise and worship call down God’s glory. In fact, you know people who walk in God’s glory—they radiate His presence. No, it is not the full shekinah glory that drove the people from the tabernacle, but if is the glory of God.
Now look at Luke 2:10-11—Don’t be afraid, there is good news, news that brings great joy, for all people—a savior has been born FOR YOU. WOW! This baby is the Savior of the world, Christ/Messiah/Lord. That is good news—no, that is the best news for the people living in darkness have seen a great light—the Light of the World. For the shepherds, their night had been transformed into bright day. For us our darkness has been changed to light. And this light brings joy and peace. Joy because the hopeless have a future, the oppressed have freedom, the blind have sight, the poor have been adopted into the inheritance of God. Now get this—this child, this birth is for you!. God sent this child for you. God so loved that He sent this Son for you. Those two words should give you hope, peace, joy, encouragement, courage, boldness, strength—this child was born for you. We often talk about how Jesus died for us—but He also was born for you.
Knowing that Jesus was born for you causes us to react and respond:
- We join the heavenly hosts and sing—glory to God in the Highest. We praise God for His indescribable gift! [2:14]
- We go straight to see Jesus [2:15]. He was born for us so we go to see Him. We come to Him. Notice the shepherd says that God has revealed something to us [made known something to us]. When God reveals something—we go to see it, know it claim it.
- And when we see it for ourselves, we make it known to everyone else [2:17] We have to share the good news of great joy because it was for all the people.
Today, Jesus was born for you—and He died for you. God has revealed this to you—make it known to everyone.
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