
Thought for October 17, 2024

  1831: Felix Mendelssohn's First Piano Concerto premiers 1860: First British Open 1904: Bank of Italy opens in San Francisco--now Bank of America 1919: RCA formed as subsidiary of General Electric 1920: Chicago Bears play their first NFL game 1933: Albert Einstein arrives in the US as a refugee 1939: "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" released 1957: "Jailhouse Rock" premiers in Memphis 1963: The Beatles record "I Want to Hold Your Hand." 1968: "Bullitt" with Steve McQueen released and introduces the great car chase. The Mustang he drove was sold at auction in 2020 for $3.4 million. 1979: Mother Teresa awarded Nobel Prize 1989: 6.9 earthquake cancels game 3 of the World Series and kills 67 2017: George Soros donates $18 billion to the Open Society Foundation--source of many bad things Born: Arthur Miller, Rita Hayworth, Jimmy Breslin, Evel Knievel, Mae Jemison [first black woman in space], Alan Jackson, Ernie Els, Eminem Died: Chopin, Julia Ward

Thought for October 16, 2024

1847: Charlotte Bronte publishes "Jane Eyre" 1859: John Brown leads raid at Harper's Ferry 1863: Grant given command of the Union Army 1875: BYU founded 1916: Margaret Samger opens the first birth control clinic 1923: Disney Brothers cartoon studio formed 1940: Benjamin Davis becomes the first black general in the US Military 1946: 10 Nazi leaders hung at Nuremberg 1950: First release of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" 1962: Cuban missile crisis begins 1968: Tommy Smith and John Carlos give Black Power salute on the podium in Mexico City 1984: Desmond Tutu wins Nobel Peace Prize 2016: Ed Whitlock becomes the oldest peron to complete a marathon in under 4 hours at age 86 Born: Noah Webster, Oscar Wilde, David Ben-Gurion, Eugene O'Neill, Angela Lansbury, Charles Colson, Suzanne Somers, Jim Ed Norman, Sue Bird, Naomi Osaka,  Tim Robbins Died: Hugh Latimer [burned at the stake as one of three Oxford Martyrs], Marie Antoinette, General George Marshall, Ge

Thought for October 15, 2024

 1815: Napoleon begins exile at St Helena 1878: Edison Electric Light Company incorporated 1917: Mata Hari executed for spying 1928: Hindenburg disaster in Lakehurst NY 1933: 20th Amendment effective moving inauguration from March to January 1937: Hemingway publishes "To Have and Have Not" 1951: "I Love Lucy" premiers 1952: "Charlotte's Web" published 1964: Don Schollander wins second of four Gold Medals at Tokyo Olympics 1966: LBJ signs law creating the Department of Transportation 1966: Huey Newton creates the Black Panther Party 1976: First Vice-Presidential Debate--Mondale and Dole 1991: Clarence Thomas confirmed as Supreme Court Justice Born: Virgil, Friedrich Nietzsche, John Kenneth Galbraith, Mario Puzo ["The Godfather"], Lee Iacocca, Penny Marshall, Richard Carpenter, Sara Ferguson, Jim Palmer [pitcher] Died: Robert Herrick ["Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May"] Herbert Henry Dow [Dow Chemical], Hermann  Goering [Nazi], Horton

Thought for October 14, 2024

 1066: Battle of Hastings 1322: Robert the Bruce defeats Edward II giving Scotland independence 1834: Henry Blair is the first black awarded a US patent--corn planter 1892: "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" published by Arthur Conan Doyle 1926: "Winnie the Pooh" released by AA Milne 1939: BMI [Broadcast Music] formed 1962: U-2 aircraft locate Russian missile launchers in Cuba 1964: Martin Luther King wins Nobel Peace Prize 1968: First live broadcast from US spacecraft [Apollo 7] 1979: Wayne Gretzky scores first NHL goal 1979: First gay and lesbian civil rights march in Washington 1980: Reagan promises to name a woman to the Supreme Court 1986: Elie Wiesel wins Nobel Prize Born: William Penn, Dwight Eisenhower, EE Cummings, John Wooden, Roger Moore, John Dean [Nixon White House Counsel], Ralph Lauren, Beth Daniel, Frank Wycheck, Natalie Maines [Dixie Chicks],  Usher Died: Erwin Rommel, Errol Flynn, Bing Crosby, Leonard Bernstein,  Thought: Thinking about Jeremiah 2:20-

Thought for October 12, 2024

  539BC Cyrus the Great of Persia captures Babylon [Some say 538 BC] 1285: 180 Jews refuse baptism and are set on fire in Munich 1492: Columbus Day. Columbus makes landfall in the Bahamas 1609: "Three Blind Mice" published in London 1740: George Whitfield preaches to 30,000 in Boston 1823: Charles MacIntosh begins selling raincoats--Macs 1892: Pledge of Allegiance first recited in public schools 1900: First modern submarine commissioned by the Navy 1901: Theodore Roosevelt renames the Executive Mansion--the White House 1928: First use of the iron lung 1931: Christ the Redeemer statue overlooking Rio opens to the public 1960: Khrushchev pounds his shoe at the UN Born: Lyman Beecher, Dick Gregory, Luciano Pavarotti, Sam Moore [Sam and Dave--"Soul Man"], Chris Wallace, Hugh Jackman, Nancy Kerrigan, Marion Jones, Sally Little Died: Robert E Lee, Johnny Olson, John Denver, Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Shoemaker, Rene Lacoste,  Thought: Reading in Jeremiah 2 this morning. Focus

Thought for October 11, 2024

 1138: Earthquake in Aleppo Syria kills estimated 230,000 1883: Railroads agree to use five time zones in North America 1929: JC Penney opens store #1252 in Delaware--has store in all 48 states 1950: CBS receives first license to broadcast in color 1975: "Saturday Night Live" premiers 1992: First 3-way Presidential debate--Clinton, Bush, Perot 2002: Jimmy Carter wins Nobel Peace Prize Born: Henry Heinz, Eleanor Roosevelt, Luke Perry, Jerome Robbins, Cardi B, SteveYoung, Michelle Wie, Fred Trump [Donald's father], Charles Revson [Revlon], Larry Swift Died: Meriwether Lewis, Joe Morgan, Angela Lansbury Thought: I know you are probably ready to move on from Jeremiah 1, but I am still looking for what God has for me here. A couple of days ago, we talked about what a tough job Jeremiah had. He was called to tell the people about their sin and rebellion. He was to tell the people that while Jerusalem was God's city, they had made it vulnerable through disobedience. He was t

Thought for October 10, 2024

 1780: Great Hurricane kills 20,000-30,000 in the Caribbean. 1845: Naval School [US Naval Academy] opens in Annapolis 1886: First dinner jacket worn to a ball in Tuxedo NY--the Tuxedo begins 1954: Ho Chi Minh enters Hanoi following French withdrawal 1961: "The Bob Newhart Show" debuts 1973: Spiro Agnew resigns 2018: Hurricane Michael [category 4] makes landfall at Mexico Beach Florida Born: Henry Cavendish [discovered hydrogen], Giuseppe Verdi, Helen Hayes, Thelonius Monk, Bruce Devlin, John Prine, Nora Roberts, Tanya Tucker, Brett Farve, Lee Steers Died: Abel Tasman, William Seward, Adolphus Busch, Charlotte Cooper [first female Olympic champion], Orson Welles, Yul Brynner, Christopher Reeve, Alex Karras, Emma Moody [wife of Dwight Moody], Edith Piaf Thought: Yes, I am still in Jeremiah 1, reading 9-10. Earlier this week, we noted that God had planned for Jeremiah and had given him an assignment to the nations. Look at 1:10. God has put His words into the mouth of Jeremiah a